Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Contemporary Reads: On Beauty

On Beauty is the latest novel by Zadie Smith. After the disappointing The Autograph Man, it has been great to read something at least as good as her first novel White Teeth. In On Beauty Zadie Smith takes on the Campus novel genre and, inspired by EM Forster and Nabokov, tells the story of two feuding academic families.
This book has laugh out moments but also raises some serious points about love, friendship, families, art, race, politics. It is rich in dialogue and Smith has a very good ear for teenage speak from both sides of the Atlantic.
For me the most exciting thing about Zadie Smith is not the fact that she's written at least two seriously good books but that her literay career has only just begun. I look forward to future books by this accomplished writer.
Other books I have read by this author: White Teeth and The Autograph Man.

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